We are here
Photo by Usman Yousaf
We are here. Right here, right now. Not anywhere else, not where we think we’d like to be. Not planning a holiday or to meet a friend for coffee. Just here. We might be gritting our teeth, feeling stressed and unhappy. Wondering when will we ever go through the airport again, enjoy a bit of retail therapy, have a girlie day at the spa, etc.
Stress is resisting the moment, wanting things to be different, trying to make them different. This is where we are and during this, we cannot be anywhere else. So, let’s just do an Elsa, let it go, take a breath and descend to earth and land in this moment.
Rebelling against the now, resisting it, fighting against how things are, moaning and complaining all just make us stressed. Does no good, doesn’t get us anywhere, contributes to the unhappiness of those around us. It’s hard. Our ego wants ‘it’ and want’s it ‘Now!’, that trip to the shops or the mini break in Vienna, that relaxing afternoon at the hairdressers. We look like we’re adults, but we know the truth. Inside we’re two years old and having an absolute temper tantrum because we can’t have the life we used to have. But we can’t. Not at the moment.
What can we do to help us feel better? A few simple steps can transform our furious indignant (inner) two-year old into a calm adult. Take a few full deep breaths. Buy a bunch of daffodils. Taste that tomato. Feel the water and then the towel on your hands as you wash and dry them. How blessed are we to have hands to wash and dry. Notice the tiny buds starting to appear on the trees. Enjoy the few extra minutes brightness in the evenings. Look with wonder at the sunset. Stress gone. Life is magic again. We are here. There is only here. There is only now.