Good Vibrations – The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood (Voltaire)
We kind of live in an upside down universe. We think we are in a bad mood because it’s raining, someone annoying us, or our order hasn’t been delivered today. It’s actually the other way round.
We perceive things as they are because of the mood we’re in. The world is not as it is but as we are. We can’t do much about the weather or the news but we can do a lot about our own mood, our own vibration. If we want things to be better ‘out there’ we need to choose to make them better ‘in here’ first.
We are not at the whim of our own mood, our hormones, or those with whom we share space. We can at any moment raise our vibrations and change our mood and/or the situation we’re in. Firstly, we need to be aware of our vibration and then we need to know what we can do about it. Awareness is the first step. We cannot change our mood if we don’t know what mood we’re in in the first place.
Of course, sometimes we deliberately choose to stay in a grumpy mood and to find fault and complain. But life is short so lets look at some ways of raising our vibrations.
We’ve mention frequently in our OSE blogs the need to take a deep breath or a few deep breaths. It’s vital and simple and costs nothing but we habitually forget to – take a few deep breadths.
Do something to shift your energy - go for a walk around the block; dance around the kitchen; sing your favourite rock song; clean out a drawer. Action moves us into a different state. Singing a children’s nursery rhyme is a great way of shifting to a higher gear. Even just shaking our arms in the air over our heads as if we are at a rock concert can lift our mood.
Let’s not indulge in negative speech, criticism or gossip. This has the opposite effect to what we are shooting for….it keeps our vibration low, doesn’t feel good and we might even feel like a good shower after we’ve indulged in some character assassination. In his book ‘Letting Go, The Path of Surrender’ Dr. David Hawkins ranks ‘condemning’ as near the bottom of ‘The Map of Consciousness’ with ‘Loving’ and ‘Inspiring’ rank way up in the top half of the Map.
In conclusion, here’s the strap-line from Raymond Kirwan’s book ‘The Conscious Illusion’ – ‘Our Happiness may not be defined by our environment but it will be reflected by it’ so it’s really clear that our vibration is much more important than we may have thought and it is up to ourselves to practice our ‘Good Vibrations’ every day. If we all follow these four simple steps – Awareness, Deep Breaths, Movement and No Negative Speech – we’ll find it much easier to keep our Vibrations nice and high :-)